Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What Would YOU do with $1 Million CONTEST

I was watching "Deal or No Deal" last night. Howie,the host of the show, asked the contestant, "What would you do with one million dollars?" That got me thinking....
what would I do with one million dollars? I had a great time dreaming about what that would be like, what I'd do, how it would impact my life.

Here's an offer I'd like to throw out here. Answer the question, what would you do with a million dollars? Write your response in the comment section of this blog. I'll hold a contest. On January 31st I'll pick one response. That person will receive $150 of coaching. Perhaps you can use it to propel yourself into moving towards a "million dollar life". One that is fun, exciting, fulfilling and has you really lit up!

What do you have to lose? Jump in. 1 Million dollars! Dream big...what will your life be like? How will that amount of money affect you? What have you always wanted to do but haven't because of money? Who would you share it with?

Be a winner...enter the contest...and dream big.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Resolutions or Intentions?

It's that time of year...time to make the New Year's Resolution. Do you have one? I have been listening to people say, "Yes, I made a resolution...but I never keep it." Makes me wonder if just the word, resolution means to wish for something, or put some effort in and when it does not materialize quickly enough...out the window it goes.

I am part of a Spirituality Group at my church. This week's topic of discussion will be Resolutions. One member of the group said, let's rename the topic, Intentions.
Intentions give us a new perspective on resolutions. What intentions will you set for this year? What intentions do you have for today?

So what does it take to keep your resolution or to have clear goals or intentions? I recently read that the American Society for Training and Development gathered these statistics of the likelihood of a person completing a goal breaks:

Hear an idea = 10%
Consciously decide to adopt an idea = 25%
Decide when they will do it = 40%
Plan how they will do it = 50%
Commit to someone else that they'll do it = 65%
And when they have a specific accountability appointment with the person they have committed to = 95% actually complete the goal.

My intention for 2008 is to help as many people as I can to create goals that excite and motivate them which will allow them to live a life that is rich, fulfilling and on fire!

What about you? Do you know what your intentions are for 2008? Do you know what you want in your life? Consciously decide to adopt an intention, an idea...decide when you will do it, develop a plan and commit to telling someone of your intentions. Next, have someone hold you accountable to what you say you will do.

It's your life...live it to the fullest! Don't put off doing the things you love...NOW is the time to act. If not now, when? You have a whole year ahead of you.

I've told you my intention for 2008...how can I help you with yours?