Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Keys to Success

I recently read somewhere that success is a personal thing. I totally agree with that statement. Success, afterall, is how you define the word for yourself. Success for one person might mean earning a huge income. Success for someone else might be finding a path in life that they are passionate about. Nonetheless, successful people seem to share common traits.

I firmly believe whether you are a working women, a full-time mother or a blend of the two...being successful in life requires these traits:

The 12 traits/steps to Success:

1. Believe in yourself
2. Own your words...if you say it, mean it.
3. Maintain a positive attitude.
4. Have a dream.
5. Do one thing towards your dream consistently.
6. See problems as opportunities.
7. Never give up
8. Thoughts drive our actions which lead to our results.
9. Be prepared; mentally, physically, spiritually
10. Do unto others as you want done unto you
11. Take risks, learn to fail, get up
12. Give more than you take.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Questions? Listen and the answers will come

As a life coach and entrepreneur, I always have my ears open to hearing what women's biggest challenges are. And, for some reason, I have found that when I have a question that I don't have an answer for, I stay with the question. By staying with the question I mean that I keep that question in my head. It always seems that the answers begin to show up all around me and various times. And, when I take the time to notice and gather the answers...the question seems to be answered.

My latest question that I have been sitting with is, "Are women looking for more direction in their lives? Is that what I can really help them with?" Today, as I was at my gym for my workout, a women approached me and asked if I had some hair styling product. As I reached into my bag for it, she made a comment that it was one thing to go to work with wet hair, another to go with it unstyled. This lead to me asking her what she did. As we spoke briefly, she commented that someone had just said to her last night, "Why do you stay at this job?" She let me know that she felt stuck. That while the job was unfulfilling in many ways, it had it's perks; flexibility, part-time, etc. Yet, she said, the fear of not knowing what else she would do, keeps her there. As she walked away, she said, I'll be calling you...I need to find some direction and get unstuck!

Only moments later, as I walked through the locker room, I overheard a conversation. One women was expressing her frustration that she didn't know where she belonged and was searching for "What she would be when she grew up." I turned and, that's exactly what I do. As she disappeared into the gym, I was again reminded of my own question. "Are women looking for direction?"

I remember going through my own searching for what I'd be when I grew up. I recalled staying with that question..and I found life coaching and my calling and passion. Again, I'm reminded that when we stay with the questions the answers will show themselves.

Today I am inspired to stand up and say that I am a life coach that helps women find a compelling direction, balance and focus in their lives. I help women set sail towards their clear vision of what they want!

Have a burning question? Relax and listen...the answers will show themselves. Trust it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I am at awe of people who can put thoughts and feelings into words, poetry, or song so eloquently. A friend sent me this link to a utube video. Without telling you what the video is about, I'll just say that it puts into words exactly how I feel about being a Mom...and having kids growing up and out of the "nest."

Please take the time to click the link and watch it. It speaks to the journey of's a powerful reminder of how important our work as Mothers is.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Dash - Make it Meaningful

Sometimes I find that it hard to put into words how I am feeling or thinking. That's when I have to default to others. I love this short movie and it's message. Take a minute to watch it.

I strive to make my dash as meaningful and productive as I can. Being the best person I can be and living my life to the fullest.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Champion Mindset

I speak regularly to groups of high school baseball and softball players. I address things like the importance of goal setting, confidence, letting go of errors, emotional control and focus.

This week, we talked about having a mental game plan. Being prepared mentally to handle what might come up in a game. As I wrote out ten steps to the Champion's Mindset...I realized it was a good blog topic. Not only can we adhere to these ten steps on the playing field, but we can also apply them to our lives.

Here's the Ten Steps to a Champion's Mindset Game Plan. Apply these to YOUR life and sport!

1. Perform/Live in the NOW. The NOW is the only "time zone" you have control over. Stay in the now by focusing on the task at hand.
2. If you find yourself stuck in the past or worrying about the future, then recognize that you've left the NOW and gently bring yourself back to it. Getting distracted and leaving the now is not a problem as long as you can bring yourself back quickly.
3. Keep track of your UCs (UnControllables): If you realize you are distracted by or focused on things that you have no control over, go back to #2. Recognize you are focused on it and then bring yourself back. Uncontrollables are things like the weather, your opponents, the fans, a bad call by the ump. Things you can not control!
4. Use focal points or cue words: A focal point is something you lock your attention on to help focus. For pitchers it could be the catcher's mitt. In life, it could be your breathing. Breathing also helps you stay in the now!
5. Stay Calm: In sports and life, you can not play or live your best when you are anxious, uptight or wound up. You'll perform your best when you are physically and mentally relaxed. Learn relaxation techniques to help you. My goal for any performance is to be "Ready, Relaxed and Confident"
6. Trust yourself; let it happen. When you try too hard your muscles will tighten and you will be counter-productive. Trust your training, trust yourself and let the performance happen. When you try harder you work outside of yourself...trusting yourself allows you to work within yourself.
7. Leave your mistakes in the past: Have a routine that allows you to "let it go." If you carry your error or mistake into your next play, chances are your next play will not be your best. By developing a mistake routine you can simply let go and refocus. The routine can include things like positive self-talk, "relax, let it go", remind yourself to focus on the task at hand. Or use your breathing...with your exhale, let it go and with a fresh inhale, refocus.
8. Use your negative self-talk as a reminder.
Negative chatter can often creep into our minds. However, you don't have to choose to listen to it. Pretend the negatives chatter is in a foreign language. You don't understand the content...but you can hear the foreign language. Use it as a cue to refocus.
9. Keep your goals close at hand. Write your goals down and keep them with you. After a game or while in the dugout or while having a cup of tea, review your plan to check which goals you have accomplished and which ones need more work.
10. Always have a contingency plan. If what you may plan for today does not work out, have a contingency plan for what you can do.