Thursday, November 29, 2007

You Are What you Think

"Whatever thoughts you plant in your subconscious mind
and nourish every day with conviction and emotion will
one day become a reality.

Constant repetition carries conviction.
Repeat something often enough and it
will start to become you.

A change in what you tell yourself will result in a
change in your behavior.

What you impress upon your mind, you'll inevitable become.
You are what you think."

I recently received this quote from The Daily Guru (
Just as we are what we eat, we are what we think. When we fill our bodies
with healthy, whole, nourishing food we are fueling our bodies to enable us to
live a full healthy life. When we fill our minds with positive thoughts we fuel our minds to inform our bodies and our soul that enables us to become our best.

We all have the inner critic that fills our minds with "I can't", "You're not good
enough", "Don't even bother," or "Just quit." That negative inner critic often gets louder as we begin to make changes to our lives. That inner critic resists change and wants us to stay right where we are. This increase in negative chatter can cause us to feel we're in the midst of chaos. The negative voice is so loud! Clients often ask me, "How do I quiet that voice?" or "How do I NOT listen to it?"

It's all about choice. You can choose to listen to the negative chatter or you can choose to do something about it. If you choose to continue to listen to the chatter, where will that take you? What's the impact on your life?

If you choose to do something about it, here are steps to Quiet Your Inner Critic.
1. Gain awareness. Notice when you hear that negative voice.
*When are feel criticized
*If you make a mistake
*Situations where you risk failing
*Situations where you are challenging yourself
*Times when you feel hurt
*Times when you are making changes
2. Gather your awareness. For one week, become aware as possible of the negative statements that you hear. Keep a log using three columns:
1. Time of day
2. Negative statement
3. Positive reconstruction*
3. For each negative statement write down a positive reconstruction of the sentence.
a. For example: "I can't do it" becomes "I can try"
"I am not (Fill in the blank)" becomes "I am becoming (BLANK)"
b. Eventually your "becoming" statements will turn to "I AM" statements!

Take the advice from the quote above, whatever you plant in your mind will become a reality.
Repeat it often, and it will become you.

Go out and fill your mind, your body and your soul with positive and nourishing fuel. You are what you think! What are your thoughts about yourself? Make those changes today! It's time.

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